
The Tree of Life; the second Sephirah or second Logo whose name is Chokmah.




Come oh Hollowed Word, come oh Sacred Name of the Chrestos force, come oh sublime Energy, come oh Divine Mercy, come supreme Seity of the most high~ Gnostic Mass

The Sephirah Chokmah of the Hebraic Kabbalah is the Cosmic Christ, the Christus.  He is Vishnu among the Hindus.

The second Logos, Chokmah, is Love, the Agnus Dei, the Immolated Lamb; it is the Fire that burns since the beginning of the world, in all of creation, for our salvation.

Chokmah is fire and underlies the depths of all organic and inorganic matter.

Solar energy is Astral Light.  Its essence is the Christonic power that enclosed the fertile pollen of the flower, enclosed within the heart of the fruit of the tree, enclosed within the internal secretion glands of the animal and the human being.  The principal seat of this essence within the human being is within the Coccyx.  The Aztecs denominated this sacred power as the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoalt that only awaken and ascends up to our pineal glands by means of Amorous Magic.

Christ is the same as wisdom, The Solar Logos, whose physical body is the Sun.  Christ walks with his Sun just in the same way that a human being walks with its physical body of flesh and bones. Christ is the Light of the Sun, the Light of the Sun is Christ.

The Light of the Sun is a Christonic substance that causes the plant to be created and the seed to sprout.   This substance of the Solar Logos remains enclosed within the dark hardness of the grain and permits the plant to incessantly reproduce itself with glorious, vigorous, and active life.

The energy detach from the Solar Fire is fixed within the heart of the earth, and it is the vibrating nuclear energy of the cells within all living beings.  This energy is the Astral Light, the Azoth and the Magnesia of the ancient Alchemists.

The Astral Light co-penetrates into the entire atmosphere; it is the source of all the marvelous powers within the human being, and is the Sacred Fire of all Life.

This world has Consciousness thanks to the help of the Second Logos.   Likewise, we can also awake and have Consciousness.   Christ is that terribly divine, ineffable and most pure ray which shone like lightning on the face of Moses, there within the solemn mystery of Mount Nebo.

Christ is not the Monad, Christ is not the Theosophical Septenary; Christ is not the Jivan-Atman.  Christ is the Central Sun.  Christ is the ray that unites us to the Absolute.

I believe in the Son, the Cosmic Chrestos, the powerful Astral Mediator that joins our physical personality with the Supreme Immanence of the Solar Father~ Gnostic Ritual.

You must know that Christ is not an individual. The cosmic Christ is impersonal, universal, and is beyond individuality, personality, beyond the “I.”  Yet, Christ is a cosmic force that can express Himself through any human being that is properly prepared.

Once, the Christ expressed Himself through the Great Master Jeshua Ben Pandira, who is known in the physical world as the Master Jesus of Nazareth.   The Christ also expressed Himself through many other Masters.

Christ is latent cosmic substance within each atom of the Infinite.  Christ is the substance of Truth.  Christ is Truth and Life.

A human being is Christified when the Christ substance is assimilated, physically, psychologically and spiritually.   Then the human being becomes a Christ; then the human being is converted into a living Christ.  We need to form Christ within ourselves.  To incarnate the Christ is urgent.

Among the Chinese, Christ is Fu Ji.  Among the Mexicans, Christ is Quetzalcoalt, who was the Messiah and the transformer of the Toltecs.   Among the Japanese, Christ is Amida, who has the power of opening doors of Gokurak (paradise).  Within the Zoroastrian cult, Christ is Ahura-Masda.  The Germanic Eddas cite the Kristos, who is the God of their Theology, similar to Jesus of Nazareth, who was born on the 25th of December at midnight, the same as the Nordic Christs Odin and Belen.

The Gospel of krishna, within millenary India, is similar to the Christian Gospel.  In the ancient Egypt of the pharaohs, Christ was Osiris, and whosoever incarnated him was a Orisified one.  Hermes  Trismegistus is the Egyptian Christ; He incarnated Osiris.   Every human being that achieves the assimilation of the Christ substance is converted into a living Christ.

Let us understand that the Solar Logos is not an individual; the Solar Logos is an army, the Verb, the great Word.  The Army of the Voice is an eternal, unconditioned and perfect multiple Unity.  He is the Creator Logos; he is the first instant.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God.  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.  And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not~ John 1:1-5

Christ is the Great Breath emanated from within the bosom of the Absolute Abstract Eternal Space.  The Absolute Abstract Eternal Space is the Being of the Being that is within all Beings.  The Absolute is the Unutterable One; the Limitless Space.  Whosever incarnate the Christ, Christifies his/ her Self and enters into the ranks of the Army of the Voice.

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up~ John 3:14

In order to rise up to the Father, we must incarnate Christ within ourselves.  No one reaches the father except through the Son.  We are all One within Christ.  Within the Lord, there are no existing differences between a human being and another, because we all are one within Him.  In the world of the Lord, individuality does not exist, nor does the personality.  Within Him, there are no hierarchical differences.  Whosoever incarnates Him then becomes Him, Him, Him.   “Variety is unity.”

We must finish with the personality and with the “I” in order for the Being to be born within ourselves.  We must finish with individuality.

If a mystic would abandon, while in the state of ecstasy, all of his seven bodies, with the intention of investigating the life of Christ, he will then see himself representing the drama of the passion of the Lord; he will see himself performing miracles and marvels n the Holy Land.  He will see himself dead and resurrected on the third day.  If this mystic would occupy the place of Christ in these instances, he would be Him, Him, And Him.  This phenomenon is due to the fact that in the World of Christ only a single being exists that expresses himself as many.

When we finish with the “I” and with individuality, only the values of the consciousness remain, which are the attributes of the Absolute Eternal Space.

Only Christ can say,  “I am the way, the truth and the life.  I am the light. I am the life. I am the good shepherd. I am the bread.  I am the resurrection.”   The Being is the one who receives the Being of his Being, the “I Am,”  who is (in each one of us) a breath of the Great Breath, our particular Ray, that is Him, Him, Him.  The “I AM” is the Internal Christ of each human being, our divine “Augoides,” the Logos.  Whosoever receives the Crown of Life has the right to say, “I am Him, I am Him, and I am Him.”

The phallus in the state of erection symbolizes Christ, by the scepter of power held high, by the tower, by the sharp stone and by the tunic of glory.  He is the divine origin.

Christ is love; the antithesis of love is hatred. Let it be known unto you nations, kindred and tongues, that hatred are converted into fire that burns. Let it be known unto you that the most terrible monster that exists upon the earth is hatred.

Whosoever lies, sins against the Father, who is the Truth; whosoever hates, sins against the Son, who is love; and whosoever fornicates, sins against the Holy Spirit, who is chastity.

Samuel A Weor


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2 Responses

  1. Robert L says:

    Knowledge is contagious.

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